Friday, March 12, 2010

Working tax credit whilst your off work on statuary sick pay (UK)?

At the moment i am employed but due to an injury i may have to take time off work.

I would only get statuary sick pay (think its £69 per week)


Can i still claim my working tax credit whilst sick from work

or would this be stopped.

If stopped what would i then claim to get a "living income"

with a family to support.

Working tax credit whilst your off work on statuary sick pay (UK)?
Provided you were in full time paid work (16 hours if you have children) immediately the SSP period began you are still treated as being in full time paid work for tax credit purposes. Your entitlement will continue.

If you are going to be sick for some time it may be worth notiftying the Tax Credit office of your reduced this could lead to more tax credits. BUT be careful if you do this and dont re-adjust the income when you go back to work, you risk and overpayment at the year end.

It is worth looking at Income Support, especially if you are going to be off sick for any length of time because if you have a mortgage the claim will start the clock on the waiting perod for help with those costs. You might not get anything now but the clock will be ticking

If you are in rented accommodation consider a claim for housing benefit. In any event also claim Council Tax Benefit as you MAY be entitled as well

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