Sunday, March 14, 2010

Do you think that Obama's $3000.00 tax credit for creating jobs was a slap in the face to business owners?

I do! I actually thought it was pretty funny because it truly showed how out of touch he is with business.

Do you think that Obama's $3000.00 tax credit for creating jobs was a slap in the face to business owners?
obama is more interested in helping those who have to work for those business owners who laugh at 3,000 dollars.
Reply:You are dead right. Funny thing was it did not come up in the debates.
Reply:Better to give a tax credit than a trillion dollar bailout.
Reply:It was more like a slap to the American people as a whole. His campaign is a sick sess pool of democratic far left ideolgy.
Reply:No, there is too much unequalness in tax distribution already.
Reply:No. What business owner wouldn't want a 3,000 tax credit?
Reply:Don't u also think that it is a slap in the face to white people who don't vote for him are racist? says michelle obama. talk about racist..obama and his wife are both racist. Absolutely. My brother owns a coffee shop in Hagerstown MD. and I bet he would feel a big slap in the face for this.
Reply:$3000.00 too low for you?

Reply:What kind of job will a $3,000 tax credit create?

A single part time job for someone working 7 hours a week.
Reply:He wants to give money, you complain. He wants to take money, you complain. Just admit that you'll vote for anyone else no matter what the consequences and move on.

Maybe if he just went ahead and gave you a tax credit for the whole of your payroll. Then you do not have to pay anyone out of pocket and keep everything extra for youself. Is that better for you??
Reply:Lol, just by hiring 1 worker at minimum wage a business will pay more than $3000 per year in payroll taxes, income taxes, FICA taxes, etc.

Just another scam to buy votes. Sad that so many peope are uneducated and will fall for it.
Reply:You listen way too much to Rush.
Reply:Bama ain't gonna give nobodys a tax credit.

In fact he will let the Bush tax cuts expire, in a few months, and your taxes will automatically go up for everyone making 250K or not.

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