Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Will we be untitled to working tax credit?

Hi all, we live in the UK, we are a same sex couple. I am 21, working and on minimum wage. My gf is over 25, disabled and has a son. She is looking to go back to work part time but hasnt got a job yet. When we move in together, we will be partly responsible for her child (his dad being responsible too). But as he is not biologicaly mine, and i am not over 25, would i be able to claim working tax credit on behalf of us three? I know if you are over 16 and have a child you can... my question is, can i if the child isnt biologicaly mine?

Will we be untitled to working tax credit?
Hi, The goverment finnaly changed the rules a few years back to allow same sex couples to claim as a couple so there is no reason why you cannot put in a claim for working tax credit and child tax credit. You should get quite a good award because you should get a disability premium but you or her will need to be claiming DLA to get this.

Its just the same as a woman and her child moving in with a man who is not the father, they are still treated as a couple and the child is taken into account.
Reply:Yes you will be, you are living together as partners and you have a child between you. Of course any maintenance will be taken into account when working out the credits. Go on and put all your figures in and it tells you how much you will get.
Reply:Yes no problem provided she works more than 16 hours per week you can get working tax credit. By the way maintenance for a child is completely ignored when calculating tax credits
Reply:do you mean entitled?

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